Mastul de la musique 2022! June 21. 3-10PM
This year we’ll build two stages. One in front of mastul and one in front of the other cool place – monella.
This year we’ll build two stages. One in front of mastul and one in front of the other cool place – monella.
First held in Paris in 1982, the „Fête“ now takes place in many large and small cities around the world. The traditional date is June 21, the beginning of summer.
Liebenwalder / Malplaquetstr.
- 16:00 Paulrhythms | Afro-Peruavian Pop | paulrhythms.com/
Oscillating between folk, jazz and indie influences, Paulrhythms explores the evolution of AfroPeruvian beats from his homeland in his compositions and arrangements.
- 16:45 Claudia Fink | Liedermacherin | claudiafink.de/
Claudia [Fink] überzeugt mit einer sorgsam ausbalancierten, poetischen, wohldurchdachten, visuell ausgerichteten, romantischen Bildsprache, die dann auch noch besonders schön klingt.
- 17:30 Laura Dee | Chanson
Verzaubert werden mit selbsterfundenen Chansons & Songs begleitet von Klavier, Cello & Loopstation.
- 18:30 Flat Violet | Jazz
Jazz meets Pop! Mit Farben-,Groove- und Einfallsreichtum interpretieren die 4 Musiker*innen um Charlotte Joerges all die bekannten Melodien, die wir so lieben.
- 19:30 Efi Sussmann | | efisussman.com/
Efi is a is a Berlin/Goa based musician and producer and multi instrumentalist. In her concerts she creates live on stage sounds, textures and beats with her voice, guitar, synthesiser and electronic equipment.
- 20:40 Stenga | Ziganski
Stenga combines psychedelic soundscapes, jazz, and eastern and southern European Roma traditions.